FHA Back to Work Extenuating Program
Buy Again, 12 Months From Short Sale or Foreclosure
The Back to Work Program provides financing for borrowers that recovered from financial hardship that resulted in a short-sale or foreclosure.
If you has experienced any of the following financial difficulties, you may be eligible for the program:
- Pre-Foreclosure Sales
- Short Sales
- Deed-in-Lieu
- Foreclosure
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- Loan Modification
- Forbearance Agreements
Program summary:
- Show credit impairments resulting from loss of employment or loss of household income
- Loss of employment and/or income 20% or more for 6 months or longer
- The recovery periods begins the month of loss of employment/income
- Demonstrate full recovery and complete housing counseling
- Re-establish of credits for 12+ months for short-sale or foreclosure