A mortgage refinance boom is in full swing, as homeowners take advantage of record low rates by refinancing their home loans.
But a home loan refi is more complicated than it was a few years ago. Home values are lower and paperwork requirements are higher. It's easy to make mistakes while refinancing a mortgage.
To help you avoid some of the most common errors, here is a list of five things you shouldn't do when you refi.
Be unrealistic about your home's value
Deluding yourself about the value of your home is an excellent way to ruin a refi. Too many homeowners ignore falling home values in their neighborhood, convincing themselves their houses are worth at least what they paid for them.
In mortgage refinances today, the most common reason for denial is a home appraisal that comes in too low. The lender won't lend for more than the appraised value. And a lot of homeowners go into denial about the decreased values of their homes.
"Don't overestimate what the value of your home is. Don't kid yourself and think your house is worth $500,000 when it's really only worth $400,000," says Dale Robyn Siegel, author of the book "The New Rules for Mortgages" and owner of Circle Mortgage Group in Harrison, N.Y.
Dither about your rate lock
Homeowners who delay locking a good mortgage rate risk making a refi uneconomical.
While floating, you take the risk that mortgage rates will go up. Rates could rise enough so that it's no longer worth the time and expense of refinancing, says Bob Walters, chief economist for Quicken Loans.
Also, rate locks have expiration dates. So, it's a good idea to build a cushion of a few days in case there's a delay in the loan closing, says Dan Green, mortgage planner for Waterstone Mortgage in Cincinnati.
If you have a 30-day rate lock, it's better to set the closing date on the 28th day than the 30th day -- just in case there's a snag that delays the closing by a day or two.
Start renovating your house before the appraiser visits
Taking a sledgehammer to the interior of your home before the appraiser arrives is a good way to get turned down for a refi.
The appraiser delivers an estimate of the home's value on the day of the inspection. The house will be worth less on that day if the upstairs is a shambles or the bathroom fixtures have been ripped out. That's the case even if the renovations, when completed, will enhance the home's value.
"Don't start a renovation before the appraiser gets there," Walters says. "You'll see this sometimes when people are taking cash out and want to do a bunch of stuff. Do not do that, because if you've ripped out half the second floor and it's not in final condition, we can't close your loan."
If you plan to renovate, start after closing the refi.
Disappear and ignore the lender's calls
Want to throw your home loan into limbo?
"Go on vacation and don't tell the lender," Walters says.
Lack of communication will throw a pending mortgage into turmoil. "Remain accessible," Walters says. "Don't disappear. Sometimes people do."
A lengthy disappearance might have been a nonissue a few years ago, but it's not a good idea now. Lenders' paperwork requirements are more stringent than they were three years ago.
Expect the lender to ask for documents sometime between application and closing. It might be a request for your latest pay stub or an explanation of a big deposit into your checking account.
Stay in contact with the lender, and respond sooner rather than later to requests for more documentation.
Start over with another 30-year term
If you want to do long-term damage to your personal finances, start all over again by refinancing for a full, 30-year term. That way, you spend thousands of dollars on interest that you otherwise could have saved.
"The first question I say is, 'How long have you had that mortgage?'" Siegel says. "If they've had it for at least four to six years, I say, 'Look, I know you want to refinance, but at least let's do a 25-year, so you're not back at square one.'"
Then, she explains the monthly payment on a 20-year term, because after hearing the details "(they) might want that.'"
Reducing the term by just five years can yield big savings. On a $200,000 mortgage at 5 percent, you save $35,758 in interest by paying off the loan in 25 years instead of 30.
Pay off that home loan in 20 years instead of 30, and you save $69,733 in interest.
via bankrate