I would like to share some ideas with you about finding your future home, including information on deciding on a community to live in and what to look for during a walk-through.
When determining the neighborhood you would like to live in, please consider its location approximate to your job as well as schools, public transportation, shopping, museums, theaters and other attractions that might interest you. Drive around the neighborhood and talk to residents. Can you picture yourself happily living here? Most importantly, choose a community where you feel comfortable.
Once you have narrowed your search to a particular area, contact the local chamber of commerce for promotional literature about the community. I also suggest visiting the local library as it is a wonderful source for information on local events. I can give you information about the local schools. Please visit my website at www.sweeeastvalleyhomes.com/.
One of the questions I often get is whether or not it is best to buy a new home. There are pros and cons to new homes as well as old. Newer homes are usually easier to maintain and more energy efficient. Older homes generally have lower property taxes and are in more established neighborhoods. On the other hand, older homes are likely to require more repairs and upkeep.
It is best to evaluate each house based on what it has to offer. There are many things to look for when walking through a home, including the following:
- Is the house structurally sound?
- Is the construction quality up to your standards?
- Is there enough space for the present and the future?
- Does it have the desired number of bedrooms and bathrooms?
- Are you happy with the lot size?
- Do you like the floor plan?
- Does it include all of the minimum amenities for your lifestyle?
- Will your furniture fit in the space?
- Is there enough storage space?
today for free buyer consultation.