Friday, June 22, 2012

20 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Relocate For A Job

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If you were offered a job in another city—or your current employer asked you to relocate—would you make the move?

Some would say yes in a heartbeat, while others might struggle with the uncertainty that accompanies such a big change.

To avoid problems like this, ask yourself the following questions before you relocate for a job:
  • Will I love my new job?
  • Where will I live?
  • Who will pay for relocation expenses?
  • What is the cost of living like in this new city? Can I afford to live in the new city and still save some money? Click here to find out
  • What does the future of this company or position look like?
  • Is the job one in which I can definitely envision myself learning and advancing my career?
  • Is the culture of the new company and new city a good match for me and my family?
  • Will we make friends easily?
  • Will living and working in the new city provide me with better opportunities than my current situation?
  • What are the benefits of relocating for this job? Do they outweigh the obstacles?
  • Is my significant other on board and where will he or she work?
  • What is there to do in the new city besides work? Click here to find out
  • What am I leaving behind?
  • Do I do well with change?
  • Where will my kids go to school? Does the school system have a good reputation? Click here to find out
  • What is the neighborhood like? Click here to find out
  • What is the weather like? Click here to find out
  • What’s my backup plan if things don’t work out?
  • Will my family be happy in this new place?
  • Will I be happy?

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